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透早/半夜一點五十被小I 吵醒說要尿尿 屁屁一摸 哎呀~~ 結果破功 半個月來第一次尿床了... 小人睡眼惺忪繼續睡去 慘的是阿母我竟然無法入眠了 所以 兩點半索性起床弄早餐 下圖就是阿珠半夜的早餐 也是我典型的早餐

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青菜炒蛋 不美式(因為早上得避免吃carbs) 起床咖啡 很美式 上網上網 很世界 嗯 睡眠充其量三個小時的一天 非典型的好的開始 倒也是早起的鳥兒有蟲吃呗~ 送完兩位少爺出門之後 阿珠心中模擬的A計畫沒有成功 就是沒有昏到倒頭就睡的境界 竟然也睡不著啊! 熬到下午 和小I 擠在沙發上補眠了一小時 之後去學校接老大回家 回到家著手晚餐的準備 等到晚餐上桌 只剩不到20分鐘的吃飯時間囉 因為大少和二少晚上七點分別有幼童軍和童軍的活動... 接下來是接送這隻 接送那隻 空檔回家... 這樣的一天真的需要好好補眠一下 希望今天小I 回復到先前的水平 不要尿床啊~ 然後阿珠我可以一覺到天亮 那就真的是福氣的啦!! 其他更多喇哩 就等明天續戰囉(要記得哈拉Baby Teeth, Mommy Teeth, Sucker, Soccer Ball..) Nninety-nine! 春夢 偶來啦~~ XD ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

嗯 回到現場 是說那天真沒精神囉 不過還是要盡職照顧我的三小 還好睡了一小時多也回復到正常的能量狀態

今天小I 看二哥門牙少一顆 又提到哥哥沒有baby teeth(乳牙) 我說哥哥是又掉了一顆乳牙 他還有很多baby teeth 然後小I 說 "I have baby teeth, Mommy has Mommy teeth." 好可愛 哈哈 媽咪的adult teeth(恆牙)是Mommy Teeth 還蠻有道理的呦 :)

還有小I 因為兩個哥哥都會亂講一堆有的沒的 不是他三歲年紀應該說的字眼 像是sucker 所以每次他說 我就得要他不要說這字 問他知道啥是sucker嗎 他說soccer ball... 所以每次他又在那邊隨便講sucker時候 阿母看他一眼 或是要他不能說 小子馬上改口soccer ball 我說soccer ball 就O.K.... 嗯 真是傷腦筋啊 小子盡學些三歲小孩不該說的話啊...


     Baked Rigatoni with Ground Beef   起司牛肉義大利麵香濃烤   



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  • 一磅 牛絞肉
  • 1/2 杯 洋蔥丁
  • 1 顆綠色燈籠椒 切丁
  • 1 罐 (14.5 ounces) diced tomatoes, 將裡頭的液體瀝乾(這個動作我沒做 其實不瀝乾也無妨 如果連汁液一起倒入 可減少下頭的tomato sauce的量)
  • 1 罐 (8 ounces) tomato sauce - 因為家裡只有大罐的 所以照片上是大罐先生 但實際我用不到一半
  • 1/2 茶匙 dried leaf basil, crumbled
  • 1/2 茶匙 dried leaf oregano, crumbled
  • 兩三顆剁碎的大蒜 或是改用1/2 茶匙 大蒜粉(garlic powder)
  • 1/4茶匙 鹽巴
  • 適量黑胡椒粉
  • 8 盎司(約兩杯) Rigatoni, ziti or elbow macaroni 煮熟 將水分瀝乾
  • 2 杯-3杯 shredded mozzarella cheese(因為家裡mozzarella cheese不夠 所以阿珠也使用了Colby Jacke Cheese)
  •    做法:  

    Sauté ground beef, onion, and green bell pepper in a large skillet until onion is tender and beef is lightly browned. Drain off excess fat; add tomatoes, tomato sauce, basil, oregano, garlic powder, salt, and pepper. Stir well; stir in ziti or elbow macaroni and 1 cup of the cheese; transfer to a 2 1/2-quart casserole. Top with the remaining cup of cheese. Bake at 350° for 25 to 30 minutes, or until hot and bubbly.
    This baked ziti recipe serves 6.

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    另外 今天看到一則新聞 名主廚Paula Deen罹患糖尿病 原來他才64 我一直以為他不只於這個年紀呢 可能是頭髮一直都是白色的關係吧 她在Food Network開節目之外 也寫食譜書 很成功的一位單親媽媽(現在有另一半了) 看她在節目中介紹南方家庭料理 下手都很重很甜很奶油 我以前就覺得她還真幸運 這樣吃也沒事 現在身體也出問題了... 不過也不是每個人都會這樣 有人就是一輩子隨便吃喝玩樂無也不是長命百歲的 像是美國超有名法式主廚Julia Child還不是活到九十幾 電影"Julie & Julia"裡頭 看她吃的方面百無禁忌又抽菸又喝酒的 多麼爽快的人生啊~~!!

    對於Paula Deen日後新的食譜走向我粉有興趣 很想看她未來節目中針對糖尿病患那些低糖低脂低carbs的食譜會是如何的變化 嗯 值得注意

    Celebrity chef Paula Deen confirms she has diabetes

    (Reuters) - Celebrity chef Paula Deen, best known for her high-calorie southern cooking featured in cookbooks and on popular Food Network shows, confirmed on Tuesday she has type 2 diabetes.

    Speaking on NBC's Today show, Deen, 64, said she found out three years ago during a routine physical exam that she had the disease.

    "I'm here today to let the world know that it is not a death sentence," she said on the morning show, adding that she will be a paid spokeswoman for drug company Novo Nordisk.

    Along with her sons, Bobby and Jamie, who she often collaborates with in the kitchen, Deen said she will talk about her life with diabetes and recipes that fit her lifestyle for the company's "Diabetes in a New Light" program.

    Deen rose to popularity for her Southern comfort food on Food Network shows "Paula's Home Cooking" and "Paula's Best Dishes". She put her cooking skills to work first in the late 1980's with a home-based meal delivery service.

    Later, she opened a Savannah restaurant, "The Lady and Sons", with her children and then started writing cookbooks, according to her website.

    With ample butter a staple of many Deen recipes, the famous chef said on Today that she did not keep her diagnosis private to save her cooking reputation.

    "I wanted to bring something to the table when I came forward and I've always been one to think I bring hope because I've had lots of obstacles in my life y'all" she said on the show, referencing a years-long battle with agoraphobia.

    She said she doesn't eat how she cooks on her show on a daily basis and wouldn't encourage others to either.

    "I've always encouraged moderation," she said on NBC's Today.

    Type 2 diabetes accounts for the majority of the nearly 26 million diabetes cases in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

    Type 2 diabetes is usually linked to older age, obesity and physical inactivity or a family history of the disease, according to the CDC.

    (Reporting By Lauren Keiper)


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